After my tiktok account got banned

Idea came into my mind!

 It started from I open sourced a youtube upload library in the github, it aims to automate the upload process for YouTube Videos. Since videos can only be publicly uploaded through the YouTube Data API by using a Google Workspaces Account (not free!),There are tons of library existing  but not for me, such as schedule publish,auto tag , I decided to figure out a headless uploader using Selenium.Later I change it to Playwright. This approach also bypasses API restrictions (e.g. Rate Limits/Endcards can't be set through the API).

Hello, I'm HeisenBerg. I'm a Former pd and self taught full stack developer. maily python+nodejs+lua.
Probably like you, I'm that person who is constantly coming up with lots of little project ideas. Whether that be ideas for apps, websites, games, businesses; whatever. I have them all stored on a list in my phone,GitHub.... and I know you probably have one of those lists too.The problem is I never seem to get round to completing them, or even starting them for that matter. The list just grows bigger and bigger.Not completing any of these ideas comes with a few problems:

The list grows bigger and more daunting I feel like a failure because I'm not completing anything Missing out on exploring cool ideas with massive potential The goal of this product is to try and explore as many of these ideas as I can. I'm not one for new year's resolutions, but I do seem to get into a habit of setting goals around my birthday. I turned 35 on July 2021, and my goal for my 36th year on earth is to try at least one of these tiny project ideas every few months and see what happens. If they can make some money too, that'd be great.

Many guys tried python lib without a GUI but couldn't really figure it out. To make it much easier for most people, I write the first MVP.

I run a bot which can generate reddit post into Ace Attoney style Story video,and use this lib to upload youtube daily.

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